When you make the decision to outsource your order fulfillment, next you need to plan what you’ll be asking prospective logistics providers.Because of the depth of the partnership that you’re likely to forge, with a company that executes a significant portion of your supply chain, it’s a lot easier to get the decision right first time around!read more
Doral is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States. It is only about a mile away from the Miami International Airport and about 7 miles from downtown Miami. It is one of the 34 municipalities in the United States. It occupies a land mass of about fifteen square miles an it has quite a large number of shops, financial institution and other business organization for a city of this size. its proximity to the airport implies that amongst the several businesses in its vicinity, Import and export business will have quite a reasonable percentage.read more
PLEX is a team of international logistics experts committed to providing tailor-made shipping solutions at the most competitive rates in the industry.